Thursday, September 15, 2011

One Spot Left in My Fall Oil Painting Course

I have one spot left in my oil painting course that starts next Thursday, September 22 and runs to November 17 (no class October 27). The course is 8 sessions and we meet every Thursday from 7-10pm at ArtSpace Herndon, 750 Center Street in Herndon, VA. Cost is $200. Ideal for beginners or intermediate level painters. You can send me a comment or call ArtSpace with any questions: 703 956-6590

I set up a still life every week so you don't have to worry about what to paint. But, you can work on your own projects as many returning students do. The first night I do a demo for new students. This time I'm going to try to do a 1 hour demo and then start the same demo again in steps, with students following along step by step. I will start with the drawing composition and block in with Raw Umber or Transparent Oxide Red. Then I'll evaluate everyone's drawing and we'll make corrections. Next step will be color block. Then we'll do any corrections together. Then on to getting the light and shadow areas to work together, refining the value (have to get those highlights, cast shadows and darkest darks in). Brushwork (soft edges) will be handled on the first day while the paint is still wet. Usually that is where we stop on the first class. The next week, we'll follow with color and temperature adjustments. Put on thick clean paint to correct muddy spots that may have occured last week and heighten the value on the light sides of objects to make things pop. Then hopefully tada....everyone will have a great little painting.

I usually have a still life set up for 2 or 3 weeks because I do want people to finish their paintings.

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