Friday, September 16, 2011

Fun Kids!

I have debated for a week whether to show you this stage. I call it the all-out-messy stage. This is a relatively small painting 12 x 16 if I remember correctly. Putting this much detail into a small painting is difficult as I want this to be a relatively finished painting versus a sketch.

I want to thank my friend Jean Schwartz who told me to put retouch varnish on the drawning to avoid the graphite bleeding into the paint. It worked. This represents two hours of painting. Just like the other kid paintings, I really enjoyed the start. I have some serious distortion in the photo and I keep adjusting the body to avoid large head, small body problem. The quality of my small brushes is a challenge. I wear down small bristle brushes with one painting it seems and then the paint does not go where I think it is going--it squishes out. Anyway, I think the next layer will resolve all issues with paint application, but I might need new brushes. Excuses, excuses, but honestly materials matter - believe me -- do not buy a cheap brush!

Yikes! Don't look at the shape of that drum, that will be corrected. It's good to get away from the painting to see the obvious. Funny, while usually I think I painted worse than I did, in this case I thought I painted better than I did, so I'm a bit dejected. More reason to work on this over the weekend.

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