Thursday, August 7, 2008

Another Work in Progress

Here is another work in progress. I'm a bit stymied because out of the 300 pictures of Lucy, I did not get one with a complete left hand (and I want that left hand in her lap). I'm going to substitute another hand (maybe my son's) in her place. Lots of work ahead of me, but since this photo I've been working on the chair and background. The painting's larger than the image shown here, but I like how I cropped this and may choose to cut down the final painting. I need inspiration or a huge jolt of focused energy!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

65th Waterford Home Tour and Red Barn Exhibit and Art Mart

I have never been involved in this show, but Waterford is a pretty artsy place -- so I understand. Some very fine artists, like Trisha Adams, exhibit at this show. Website:

Here's the scoop:

Red Barn Exhibit, October 3, 4, & 5, 2008
The Red Barn Exhibit is a juried show. Artists are allowed to enter two pieces for consideration for $15. They take 25% commission if works sell. Work can't be larger than 36" x 36"
Submission Deadline is September 1. Delivery date of accepted work is September 26 & 27, 2nd Floor, Red Barn (sorry no address given, but prospectus has directions). Pick up unsold work on October 5 from 5-6pm or October 6, 10 am -12 pm.

The Art Mart
Also part of the Waterford event is the Art Mart. This event is limited to works of $400 or less. No work can be larger than 36 x 36. Work in the Art Mart cannot be duplicated for the Red Barn Exhibit. You can enter as many pieces as you like!!! This show costs $15 for an unlimited number of entries (but the $15 fee is separate from the Red Barn Exhibit). Delivery dates are September 26 & 27. Just show up with your work--no jurying--super cool. Special rules for large volume entries. Pick up unsold work on October 5 from 5-6 pm or October 6, 10 am - 12 pm.

Student Art Exhibit
Finally at the Waterford event there is a Student Art Exhibit. The show is open to Loudoun County residents who are seniors in high school or who have just graduated. The Florence Kiley Fellowship is awarded at this event and the winner gets to exhibit his/her piece at the Red Barn Exhibit. It appears there is only one winner who get exhibited. The winner also gets $2,500--NICE. Delivery of Art: September 26 at the Tin Shop, 15481 Second St. 10 am - 2 pm. Pick up of non-winning entries is September 29, 30 and Oct 1, 10 am - 4pm

Call for full prospectus: (540)882-3018

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Studio Space Available in Norther VA

If anyone is looking for studio space, I heard two locations are taking applications.

Columbia Pike Artist Studios in Arlington.

Great Studios and if I had the money I would love to be in this location. Some fine artists have their studios there. Call Nancy Fortwengler,

Artists' Warehouse, Alexandria

Located on Duke Street (I think) 2.5 miles from the Torpedo Factory. 200 sq to 1000 sq feet available with onsite parking!! Contact Liz Boynton (703) 579-4227 or

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sample Work from Robert Johnson Workshop

In my last blog, I talked about Robert Johnson's three grape rule. I thought I would share a few other Johnson "rules" (okay they might not be rules, but things that stuck with me). I did this pansy painting in his workshop this spring. Rule One is to make sure that every item has a soft and hard edge. Hopefully you can pick this up in the edge quality of the pansy petals and leaves. Rule Two is to not have a sharp back edge. If you notice, the light rug and the dark background melt together. The edge is soft. In the past I used to make this edge hard and the painting overall was much less appealing. Rule Three, the best green for leaves is a mixture of ultramarine blue and cadmium yellow. You would think that would make an electric green, but it makes a fine realistic green. One of the hardest things is to make leaves look real--that simple color combo works. Rule Four, be more precise. I love to start the drawing and painting with only angles. However, if you don't round them at some point to more accurately represent the subject, then it looks off. Rule Five, sketch in a rug detail or two and forget the rest. I highly recommend taking one of his courses if you are a devoted still life painter.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Works in Progress

I started these two paintings as demos and thought it would be fun to show progression from session #1, #2, #3 and maybe #4 (heaven help me). I really don't like to paint on a painting more than 3 sessions (i.e., 9 hours).

This orange I started at the Clifton Art show, but I only got to paint on it about 30 minutes before a huge thunderstorm overtook us and we had to make a mad dash with the participating artists' works to drier territory. In the scramble I completely forgot about my demo. When I returned it was covered in droplets but no damage. The added benefit of oils!! I will try to keep the rug looking more like a wash, but I may change my mind.

The pear and grapes in a bucket I started at the GFFFTA last week, so I wouldn't hover over the students, but fought a nearly white canvas. Breaking my own rules. Never start with a white canvas!!! I think this one will show a bigger progression from the first to second sessions as I was not able to punch up the colors enough in the first go round. Hate the table line, so I plan to change that. You can see that I don't start very detailed, but just block in color. I also plan (or will try!) to follow Robert Johnson's rule on grapes. That is, that you should only paint the heck out of three grapes in each cluster. I haven't really painted the heck out of any of the grapes yet. It will be important to figure out which "clumps" to consider for the 3 grape rule. Clearly there are many clumps in this set up.

Check back in a few weeks.....

Upcoming Virginia Art Shows

I wanted to share some art show information with my art friends:

Art League Solo Show Jurying
The Art League is jurying for its 2010 schedule of solo artist shows. Informational meetings are being held on August 21 at 6:30 pm and on September 19th at 3:00 pm. Call the Art League gallery for more information on the jurying process. 703 683 -1780

Now I know this is for solo shows, but I wonder if we shouldn't request a solo spot specific to POSA members. Let me know if I should inquire. I could talk to the gallery. Also I'm thinking about asking the Gallery if they would consider a "portrait and figure" show this year or next. How many folks could I count on to participate? You have to be a member of the Art League, which is $65 a year. Please give me some feedback as to whether to pursue this!!!

Gallery West 12th Annual Juried Show
February 4-March 2, 2009
The deadline for submission is November 20. Go to to download the prospectus.

Target Gallery 5x5x5 Show
December 11-January 11, 2009
The exhibit will examine work on a very intimate scale. Entry is open to all artists nationally and internationally working in any media with the strict stipulation that the work must fit within the dimensions of five inches in any direction. The juror is a contemporary curator from CA. Deadline for entries: October 1, 2008. Prospectus available at (then click "Target").

Ted Reed show "Presence
September 2008
One of our esteemed POSA members, Ted Reed, is hosting a solo show at the Art League Gallery in September. I'm sure it will be fantastic as he is a great artist. Many of you may remember his portrait "Louder" that was a finalist at one of the past POSA conferences (three years ago, I think????). I'm sure the show will be a feast for the eyes. The Art League is at 105 North Union Street, in Alexandria, VA.