Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Finished Parrot Tulips

I finally finished the parrot tulip painting I started some time ago and several interim albeit unfinished paintings later. I went back and forth as to whether to continue with the warm centers and cool exteriors of the tulips or revert back to my old ways (see earlier progression photos below). Well honestly I'm not sure what I have here--a bit of both, but I'm very happy with how the tulips came out despite not having obviously warm centers. But cools and warms are all relative, which is definitely true here. The violet streaks of what is really white, while not a warm violet, was the trick to make this look right. I have to say I usually love painting delpht pottery, but this was a bear and I painted over the pot several times. I got great advise from my mentor and artist Kurt Schwartz to make the highlights very pale yellow. That was the ticket. A fresh (and experienced) eye is always a treat.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Fall Oil Painting Class Starts September 30, 2010

I'm teaching a Still Life Oil Painting course at ArtSpace Herndon

750 Center Street, Herndon

8 Classes Starting Sept 30 - November 18, 2010

Classes held Thursdays from 7-10 pm
To Register contact Vicki Blum at info@vickiblum.com or contact Robin Carroll at ArtSpace: 703/956-6590

Learn classical methods of painting. Students will paint from a still life set up or from their own photos. Students will begin by drawings the subject matter using large strokes to block in light and shadow areas. This will be followed with a general blocking in of colors using the same light and shadow principles. Students will then refine their paintings by adding detail paying attention to relative value, color temperature, color accuracy and proportions. Adults and teens welcome. Recommended for beginning to intermediate painters who want to improve the realistic appearance of their work.

Cost $187.