Friday, January 25, 2013


I found out I sold this small winter landscape today from the Clifton Wine Shop.  The Clifton Wine Shop is a quaint boutique that has hard to find wines.  Very popular in my town.  People come in and out all the time or just hang out for a bit pondering the wine selection.  The owner and sales people are nice to talk to and when more than one visitor is in the shop a group conversation starts up among all.

This is the second sale from the shop in two weeks and thus I'm thrilled to find a nice (non-gallery) venue to sell my smaller works.  I have to say I'm running out of stuff.  I have to start painting like a fiend.

I have a feeling our wintery weather inspired someone to purchase this painting.   We finally got some snow, not much, but enough to stay on the ground out here in the "country" for at least 2 days.  Sales also support the town's art guild.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A mini painting

Here is a small painting I completed Monday night.  The rose is not necessarily a miniature, but the size of this painting is 6 x 6 so it qualifies for a mini status.  I plan to do a few of these single (or double) flower paintings for the Clifton Wine shop and the Gallery 222 petite show.   Now I have to find reasonably priced frames so the price is petite too.

I decided to do a violet underpainting so the darks were already present and I could better judge where the light was hitting.  It was quite a time saver as I normally start with the hot center and then work the cool shadow colors in later.   I believe in blocking in the shadows first, so I don't know why I normally start differently with flowers.  I also used a lot more transparent red oxide for the reflected lights and mixture of permanent rose and viridian for the dark shadows.  Very interesting combos.  

Monday, January 21, 2013

Jan/Feb Issue of Int'l Magazine Published

I finally got my International Magazine Jan/Feb edition that has my painting featured in it.  Whoo hoo.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Winter Class Demo

First day of class was Thursday.  What a great group of students...really friends... taking the class.  It is such a thrill to have so many enthusiastic painters and folks that just love art.  For the first class I perform a demonstration of my painting techniques to show how I approach the drawing, blocking in of paint and refinements.  Everyone in this class has painted before and some are expert painters, so I probably don't need to show them much, but it is always interesting to see how someone else approaches a painting.  I can never paint as fast when I'm thinking and talking so I tend not to get very far along.  Thanks to Michela for taking these stage photographs

Friday, January 4, 2013

Painting in Tuscan Style Magazine...sort of

My friend's gorgeous house is featured in this month's issue of Tuscan Style Magazine and he informed me that my painting is in one of the photos.  This is the painting "Carnations" that was a finalist in the Blossom Competition and was lucky enough to tour around the country at different museums.  It's the painting on the night stand.  I can't believe he waited a year after purchasing it to actually get it because it had to finish being on tour.  What an honor.