Sunday, July 29, 2012

Soccer Son

Here is the latest start of my "kids having fun" series.  This is my son David playing soccer in his final game this Spring.  My husband has encouraged me to paint my son playing sports for several years -- sort of my version of Leroy Newman.  I got my son's likeness pretty quickly, but I have to paint over it because I really don't have any paint on his face yet. 

Today, was the last day of my flower painting workshop.  From my perspective the class was great because the students are just the best.  It was so enjoyable to be around them.  What a pleasure!  I hope they had as good a time as I did.  I'll post pictures from the workshop tomorrrow.  I always find I don't have a lot of time to take the pictures during these type of events, so I hope the few I took come out.  I wish I had gotten a group photos, but I didn't.. :-(

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