Here is my painting after the fourth painting session. I really got focused this time and decided that I would overexpose my photographs to see what was going on in all those petals. The flowers sadly are long gone. The overexposure was very interesting because I got to see a lot more cools in the petals that I think make the whole flowers more vibrant. Anyway, I realize I have a lot more sessions to go. In fact when I first posted this I thought this was after my third session, but alas this is after my fourth session. Honestly it doesn't look that different from session 3. Depressing, but it is fun still!!!
I'm going to turn tonight to painting a photograph of my friend's children at the beach. Not a very unique subject, but I would like to have more paintings that represent summer. I love summer and the thought just makes me happy. After years of painting dark paintings and backgrounds I simply feel like painting happy subjects. So that is my new theme...happy.