Sunday, January 9, 2011

Private Exhibit

I haven't had a chance to write since the private sale in early December. What a great event that was and Tricia's house looked beautiful. Many thanks to her. What a great place to have an art show. She installed a hanging system when her and Walter built their house so you can move paintings of different sizes around without making holes in the wall. Brilliant! I sold four paintings. I'm so happy that they have found new homes. Thanks to my patrons!! I wish I had taken pictures of the event, but honestly there was not a minute of down time, so my best layed plans did not occur. Here are a few of the new painting I exhibited for the first time. The photos are not that good of the paintings. Too much glare on the left side of "Figs" and slightly off kilter. I will have to retake the photographs at some point.

1 comment:

Tricia Ratliff said...

Vicki, I drool every time I see this painting. It's so rich.