Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Paintings at Gallery 222 in Leesburg until Saturday

I have not posted in so long. Lots of things getting in the way or should I say broken that required replacement - roof, dishwasher. Anyway, that has taken a real bite into my time and desire to paint. A lot of angst in figuring out how to replace these items.

In the meantime I failed to mention that I'm actually showing three paintings at Gallery 222 in Leesburg. I'm showing the "Pink Carnation in Oil Jug," "Clementines and Blue Vase" and "Hot Peppers Study". I think I might display this Carnations painting or Hot Peppers Study at the upcoming Art League show too (after the patron's show), which start at the end of February. It is actually the student's show, but the only thing left of the paintings from class is Hot Peppers, everything else has sold or is on hold.

I do love taking class at the Art League. I usually take Mike Francis's or Kurt Schwarz's class. Both teachers have a dedicated group of fellow artists followers, who are also good friends. Plus they put up with us doing our own thing. Taking class seems to be the only way I can dedicate time to paint. But it is an exhausting week, painting one night and then teaching another. It means two nights of getting home after midnight, then getting up the next day at 6 am. I just had to take a break this term. Now I have to self-motivate. It's near impossible.

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