Saturday, February 26, 2011

Robert Johnson Workshop

Boy am I delayed in getting posts up. I took a workshop with Robert Johnson in mid-February and produced two (almost finihsed) paintings. I love his workshops. If you haven't studied with him, I highly recommend it. I always produce better paintings. Now if we could convince him to teach a semester course.

Love the greenish brown background, which he taught--and something new for me which I love. Very Johnson, McGraw Leffel. Also learned that dark part of roses are very dark (black on the value scale). While I knew that by being a perpetual squinter, it is damn hard to get a black value in a salmon colored rose. So that means the lights have to be lighter. More work to be done, but almost there.

Studies Prepared for Art Jam

I don't have time to do a full post, but here are two studies I prepared for Art Jam, but didn't get to show them because I got sick and didn't go. :-(